Hey There!
Join us for Set Apart, our month of consecration.
In Exodus, the Lord commanded Moses to consecrate Aaron and his sons for seven days for their priesthood.
"Thus you shall do to Aaron and his sons, according to all that I have commanded you. Seven days you shall Consecrate them."
Exodus 29:35:
The Lord has commanded us to Consecrate in the seven months of the year according to the pattern in Exodus 19:10, 29:1, 35-36.
What does consecration mean?
In Hebrew, the word consecration is translated as follows:
In Ex.19:10 and 29:1, Qadash (kaw-dash): to be set apart, sanctify, prepare, dedicate, be separate, be hollowed, be holy.
In Ex. 25:35, Yad (yawd): Hand and strength
Why are we consecrating?
To serve the Lord as His priest (Ex. 29:1)
To purify the altar (Ex 29:36)
To kill pride and idolatry (Rm. 12:1)
To possess the new (the promise!) (Jos 3:5)
How can I take part in the consecration?
Let's embrace the power of prayer, fasting, and devotion as the three essential components of our consecration. Participation in all three elements will allow you to experience the abundant benefits of the Lord's consecration.
Element 1: Prayer
Prayer schedule:
Monday evenings at 7:30 PM PST/ 10:30 PM EST | 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, 7/29
Wednesday morning at 7 AM PST / 10AM EST 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31
How to join the virtual prayer meetings?
Our meetings will be held exclusively on Zoom. Registration is required, but it's free.
Monday Prayer Zoom Link 👇
Register here
Wednesday Prayer Link 👇
Element 2: Fasting
Duration: July 1st-31st
Fasting Schedule:
From Sunrise-3 pm, drink 100% Juice and water only.
No dairy, caffeine, cocktail juice, soda, artificial juices, or flavors exist. Smoothies are allowed but must be made with fresh fruits and vegetables. Dairy or power mixes are not permitted in smoothies.
You can eat after 3 PM. We follow the Daniel fast format, allowing only grilled or baked chicken and fish.
Foods to avoid:
Pork, beef, shellfish (ex. crab, shrimp, lobster)
Animal by-products like eggs and cheese
Added artificial sweeteners.
Processed foods
Certain beverages, including coffee, alcohol, soda and kombucha
Foods you can enjoy:
Fresh fruit
Fresh vegetables
Nuts and seeds
Natural sweeteners
Whole grains
Vegetable oils such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil
Grilled or baked Chicken/Fish
We found a Daniel fast meal plan guide from Simple Green Smoothies. It could be an excellent resource for you during the fast.
Note: This is not an endorsement of this company or our meal plan, and we do not have any affiliation with Simple Green Smoothies.
Element 3: Devotion
"Man shall not live by bread alone!" (See Mathew) We have provided 30 days of scriptures to feast on daily during Set Apart. Also, as a bonus, there is an online Bible study on Tuesday at 7 PM PST.
You can stream the bible study live on the following platforms:
Make sure you follow and subscribe to stay connected.